“iAM Smart” functions are built in the form of RESTful Application Program Interface (APIs) which could be accessed by registered online services upon “iAM Smart” user authorisation. “iAM Smart” makes reference to OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorisation amongst “iAM Smart” users, online services and the “iAM Smart” System. Online services adopting “iAM Smart” are required to provide RESTful callback APIs to receive API responses from the “iAM Smart” System.

“iAM Smart” APIs support the following functions:


By using Authentication API, users can use “iAM Smart” to verify their identities in a simple and secure way, the API can be used in various scenarios, such as eKYC solution, user login, attendance system, voting system, booking system, etc.

Re-authentication (work with Authentication API)

After user login to online services with “iAM Smart”, the online services can call Re-authentication API to ask the same “iAM Smart” user to authenticate again with his/her digital identity for online services requiring higher identity assurance level. This API requires the access token received in the Authentication API – getToken.

Form Filling (work with “iAM Smart” authentication API)

Online services can call Form Filling API to obtain “iAM Smart” user’s personal data, covering name, HKID no., gender, date of birth, phone no., etc., upon user consent. This API can be used to facilitate “iAM Smart” users to fill in their personal information in online applications automatically. The typical use cases covers remote account onboarding, online application form, identity verification and address verification. This API requires the access token received in the Authentication API – getToken

Form Filling without Service Login (aka Anonymous Form Filling)

Same as Form Filling API, this API provides “iAM Smart” user’s personal data to the online services upon user consent. Calling this API does not require obtaining the access token beforehand. Instead, the user authentication will be conducted after the online service initials the request. Different from the Authentication API, the access token received in this API could not be reused.

Digital Signing (work with “iAM Smart” authentication API)

Online services can call Digital Signing API to enable “iAM Smart” users to complete digital signing online with legal backing. It can be used in many cases, such as signing online application form, signing contract and agreement. This API requires the access token received in the Authentication API – getToken

Digital Signing without Service Login (aka Anonymous Signing)

Same as Digital Signing API, this API allows “iAM Smart” users to complete digital signing online with legal backing. Calling this API does not require obtaining the access token beforehand. Instead, the user authentication will be conducted after the online service initials the request. Different from the Authentication API, the access token received in this API could not be reused.